LDA Minnesota offers trainings and consultants to assist schools and school districts with professional development and implementation of new educational practices, strategies, and curricula.

Our Experience

At LDA, we have skilled experience in facilitating Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). PLCs center on nearly any educational theme, and schools get to choose these themes. When schools or teams within a school are uncertain, LDA Minnesota staff has expertise in looking at student data to draw out building-wide areas that may be targets for improvement.

Our educational workshops are presented by experienced educators in the fields of learning disabilities, ADHD, and educational practices. As specialists in learning, our experts realize that participants learn best when they are engaged through a variety of activities, so workshops are interactive, appealing, and participatory. The workshop format includes small group discussion, activities, visual learning tools, role-playing, and large group discussion.

View our Catalog of Training Options.


Training Topics Include:


Trainings are generally 1.5 – 2 hours. The average cost is $220 per hour. LDA Minnesota customizes workshops to fit your training needs. Customized workshops vary in price, based on the degree of preparation required and the length of the workshop.

If you are looking for a topic related to LD, ADHD, or behavior and you don’t see it on our list, let us know! We may have someone on staff that can help. We’ve listed our most common workshop topics.


For more information, email LDA Minnesota or call 952-582-6000.