What are Accommodations?

Accommodations are any changes to a classroom, work environment, or task that permits individuals with learning difficulties/differences to participate in class or at work, to perform the essential tasks in the classroom or workplace, or to enjoy the benefits and privileges of classroom/workplace participation equal to those enjoyed by people without learning difficulties.

The following are just some of the accommodations for individuals with learning difficulties.

Difficulties with writing?

  • In testing situations, get permission to verbally record your written answers on a tape recorder
  • Ask to have a designated note taker or a copy of the notes
  • Ask for a printed copy of assignments or directions
  • Use rubber writing grips for pens and pencils

Struggling with Math?

  • Read the steps to a math problem out loud
  • Ask for permission to use a calculator without penalty
  • Use large square graph paper to space out the problems and numbers

Having Trouble with Reading?

  • Use colored highlighters to underline main ideas or key words
  • Use index cards or a ruler to help guide your reading
  • See if there are alternative means to get information such as a video, a book on tape, or large print books
  • Have classes or lectures recorded on tape and listen to them

Hard Time Communicating?

  • Use a tape recorder to record class discussions and play back to review it later
  • Ask to be able to sit down and give a speech or lead a discussion
  • Practice talking in front of a mirror

Not the best Studying Skills?

  • Use colored folders to help keep things organized
  • Take periodic breaks
  • Use post it notes to mark important information in books



Call LDA Minnesota at 952-582-6000 or email info@ldaminnesota.org for more information.

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